Ammonoosuc River New Hampshire – This 50+ mile long river runs a mellow course until the confluence with the Connecticut River. It has some great flat water paddling opportunities and fly fishing for brook, brown and rainbow trout. It’s ideal for running a canoe or paddling kayak.
Flows And Weather
Rapids and Paddling
No notable rapids and primarily flat water paddling for most of the river. The upper river does have a short whitewater stretch. Running from Twin Mountain to Pierce Bridge puts you on class II-III stretch for 3 miles.
Ammonoosuc River Fly Fishing
The upper river is colder and faster with better trout habitat than the lower, flat reaches. It also has the best populations wild brook trout found in the entire river system. Access is also good in the upper reaches and plenty of camping options are available. You can also fish the Wild stretch which is a 14 mile tributary with great brook trout. Rainbow and brown trout are also stocked in the river and are available in good numbers.
The farther you travel downriver, the warmer the water becomes. There are several dams and the river runs through scenic farm country. It remains a nice, scenic piece of water but the fishing is best higher in the drainage in most cases.
Shuttle Services
No official shuttle service. The North Woods Rafting company runs guided trips in the area and might run shuttle on this river. There is a country store on the upper river that would be a good pace to inquire as well.